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![]() lepidopterist (8.169) a man who is being pursued by angry government officials. Library of Records (8.43) a place where official information is stored. like mad quickly and accurately. linguistics (8.125) the history of language. lion (8. 125) a large carnivorous feline found in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of India. lion’s share (4.142) the biggest part. literally (1.68) actually happens. low self-esteem (4.115) describes children who do not think much of themselves. luminous (5.112) glows in the dark. lunchtime (5.37) around lunch. made short work (8.22-23) ate every warm, sweet crumb. making a mountain out of a molehill (5.31) making a big deal out of something that is actually a small deal. mandatory (5.25) if you don’t show up, you have to buy me a large bag of candy and watch me eat it. Memento Mori (5.13) Latin remember you will die. met her demise (4.178) stepped into the path of a sawing machine. minimal pain (3.141) no pain at all. misnomer (2.28) a very wrong name. mixed blessing (3.181) something half good and half bad. mollify (3.145) get them to stop tearing their hair out in worry. Molotov cocktails (1.130) small bombs made with kerosene inside bottles. movie theater (8.190) a large, dark room in which a projectionist shows a film. murder (7.50) a group of crows. musical theater (8.189) a large, dark room in which musicians perform a symphony. mysterious (UA.xii) arcane needle in a haystack (2.161) something that is difficult to find. inc-las | nef-poo | pos-ski | sli-too | tra-z
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