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![]() The following vocabulary has been contextually defined within A Series of Unfortunate Events. Clicking on each defined term will open a new window containing that term's dictionary definition. Lemony Places | Lemony People | Sunny's Words | Isadora's Poems | V.F.D. Rules aberrant (1.162) very, very wrong, and causing much grief. abhorrent (3.180) what Count Olaf used to do when he was about your age. a bolt from the blue (7.69) describes something so surprising that it makes your head spin, your legs wobble, and your body buzz with astonishment. abstruse (UA.xvi) cryptic accomplice (7.162) helper of murderers. add insult to injury (2.94) forcing somebody to do an unpleasant task when they’re already very upset. adroit (1.121) skillful. advanced (5.9) having attained advancement. adversity (5.2, 5.20) trouble. (5.20) Count Olaf. alcove (2.34) a very, very small nook just perfect for sitting and reading. alleviated (6.198) not particularly on Sunny’s mind. a mixed bag (6.37) a situation that has both good parts and bad parts. anagram (8.152) when you move the letters around in one or more words to make another word or words. anxious (6.1-2) troubled by disturbing suspense. aphorism (7.13) a small group of words arranged in a certain order because they sound good that way. arcane (UA.xiv) abstruse archives (UA.75) every single issue of a particular newspaper, gathered into a large collection. as comfortable as they could (8.72) not very comfortable at all. assiduous (4.17-18) hardworking. assuaged (3.203) relieved. as the crow flies (7.48) the most direct route. at hand (UA.37) the matter we gathered to discuss. at large (7.247) not in jail. atlas (3.121) book of maps. audacity (8.93) attempt to steal valuables from hospital employees, in addition to snatching the Baudelaire fortune. austere (5.84) stern and severe. autopilot (5.102) measuring pencils without really thinking about them. backbreaking (4.65) so difficult and tiring that it felt like the orphans’ backs were breaking, even though they actually weren’t. bambini (2.18) Italian children. lep-nee | nef-poo | pos-ski | sli-too | tra-z Book 1 |
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Book 3 |
Book 4 |
Book 5 |
Book 6 |
Book 7
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