accomplice one associated with another especially in wrongdoing.
aphorism a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment.
battering ram a heavy metal bar with handles used (as by firefighters) to batter down doors and walls.
depressed vertically flattened.
deus ex machina a person or thing (as in fiction or drama) that appears or is introduced suddenly and unexpectedly and provides a contrived solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty. Etymology: New Latin, a god from a machine.
fata morgana mirage. Etymology: Italian, literally, Morgan le Fay (sorceress of Arthurian legend).
gargantuan of tremendous size or volume.
horizon the apparent junction of earth and sky.
impenetrable incapable of being penetrated or pierced.
initial first.
intimidated made timid or fearful.
murder a flock of crows.
newspaper a regularly printed document consisting of news reports, articles, photographs and advertisements that are printed on large sheets of paper which are folded together but not permanently joined.
skittish nervous or easily frightened.
superlative of the highest quality; the best.