Anxious characterized by extreme uneasiness of mind or brooding fear about some contingency.
Bay an inlet of the sea or other body of water usually smaller than a gulf.
Carp to find fault or complain querulously.
Cave a natural underground chamber or series of chambers open to the surface.
Chartreuse a variable color averaging a brilliant yellow green.
Cliffs very steep, vertical, or overhanging faces of rock, earth, or ice.
Cloudy darkened by gloom or anxiety.
Clown a fool, jester, or comedian in an entertainment (as a play); specifically : a grotesquely dressed comedy performer in a circus.
Condiment something used to enhance the flavor of food.
Cove a small sheltered inlet or bay.
Curdled to go bad or wrong.
Damocles a courtier of ancient Syracuse held to have been seated at a banquet beneath a sword hung by a single hair.
Dock the waterway extending between two piers for the reception of ships.
Ferry a place where persons or things are carried across a body of water (as a river) in a boat.
Island a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent.
Lachrymose tending to cause tears.
Lake a considerable inland body of standing water.
Lavender a pale purple.
Lighthouse a structure (as a tower) with a powerful light that gives a continuous or intermittent signal to navigators.
Rancorous marked by rancor.
Rocks concreted masses of stony material.
Whirlpool water moving rapidly in a circle so as to produce a depression in the center into which floating objects may be drawn.
Wicked morally very bad.
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Book 1 |
Book 2 |
Book 4 |
Book 5 |
Book 6 |
Book 7
Book 8 |
Book 9 |
Book 10 |
Book 11 |
Book 12 |
Book 13